No Improvement Podcast 👯 Episode 12

No Improvement is a sort-of-funny talk show that explores the vast, untapped potential of TV shows, books, films, and more. Quill & Slate blog runners Thelonia and Tia review—and then reimagine—the stories you know and love until you can barely recognize them anymore. Hopefully in a good way. And if not, well, we hope you are still entertained.

In the 12th episode of No Improvement, we take a look at the fourth episode of American Gods and talk about what we liked, what we didn't like, how we would improve it, and where we hope the story will go.

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No Improvement Podcast 👯 Episode 11

No Improvement is a sort-of-funny talk show that explores the vast, untapped potential of TV shows, books, films, and more. Quill & Slate blog runners Thelonia and Tia review—and then reimagine—the stories you know and love until you can barely recognize them anymore. Hopefully in a good way. And if not, well, we hope you are still entertained.

In the 11th episode of No Improvement, we take a look at the third episode of American Gods and talk about what we liked, what we didn't like, how we would improve it, and where we hope the story will go.

Note: Apparently that one actress we mention is from West Berlin and is Polish. So. Skyrim is Polish. Thanks for listening.

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Commissary ☕️ Restaurant Review


Written by Tia

Commissary is for the ’gram. There is no denying that. Sure, it is a place with food, but if you’re looking for a delicious meal, you do not go to the greenhouse restaurant and bar on the second floor of the Line Hotel. You go there to take photos of the smoked salmon at the brunch bar, the cute floral teapot, and the mismatched cloth napkins. You take photos of your friends and the people sitting next to you, and you snap the plants above your head, and you flood your Instagram live story and feed with #foodie #sorryicanthelpmyself posts. Or at least that’s what I did. But at Commissary, it is expected—and unapologetic—and the photos are just too instagood #imashamedofthatjoke.

"Green Light" by Lorde 🚦 Song Review


Written by Tia

Okay, okay, I know. I'm late to the party. But, in preparation of Lorde's upcoming album, Melodrama, I thought I'd remind us all of how great a song "Green Light" is. It takes time, but it grows on you, and it's a song you should return to, even if you feel your first couple of listens were hardly memorable. And the sound of it should make you excited for the album to come.

A Crash Course on Eurovision

Written by Thelonia

“Gay Hunger Games” is usually the phrase used to describe Eurovision to people who have never heard about it, but despite its admittedly flamboyant components, the Eurovision Song Contest actually has a long history of trying to bring countries together with an equally long history of only creating more conflict.

This is a crash course on the history behind the sometimes confusing competition, as well as an overview of what we can expect this year.

No Improvement Podcast 👯 Episode 10

No Improvement is a sort-of-funny talk show that explores the vast, untapped potential of TV shows, books, films, and more. Quill & Slate blog runners Thelonia and Tia review—and then reimagine—the stories you know and love until you can barely recognize them anymore. Hopefully in a good way. And if not, well, we hope you are still entertained.

In the 10th episode of No Improvement, we take a look at the second episode of American Gods and talk about what we liked, what we didn't like, how we would improve it, and where we hope the story will go.

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