Folsom & Co. Watch ⌚️ Product Review


Written by Tia

Do you like getting scammed? No? Then let me save your time and money, because I sure squandered mine.

First of all, the watch is real. I won't dispute that. You get a real working watch out of this. But so much more about this website and this "deal" is a lie.

tan stripes with shitty rhinestones

For example, the "free" watch "limited time" offer never runs out. Because it's not a free watch. They show other watches on the site that cost normal watch prices, but then offer every one of those watches for "free" simultaneously, so obviously you feel like you're getting a deal for grabbing the free one as fast as you can, before the offer "runs out."

the one side of the back piece doesn't fit

But the truth is, you're paying for shipping that's high enough to pay for the watch, given its terrible quality. It probably costs less than $1 to make. The strap isn't leather, or even good pleather, but imitates it, while actually being a poor, easily cracked material. My watch itself came in a thrown-together, unprotected bag, and was in pieces when I opened it. I was able to put it together and it does work, but the back also doesn't fit on right because clearly it wasn't made well at all.

this is how the other side SHOULD fit, if it were made correctly

And as for that low price—it seems low at the time, because you're getting it from this hip, "San Francisco-based" company—so surely they're great quality watches and a great deal. Crock of shit. You're getting a shitty watch, worth far less than what you're paying for "shipping." Plus, it doesn't even come from San Francisco—it comes from China.

Yep. You just bought a crappy quality, mass produced Chinese watch, thinking it was a chic, high quality watch from hipster-capital, pricey San Francisco. And yep, as a Chinese person well-versed by my mother in Chinese product scams, I'm an idiot.

if you think this watch looks good, it's just because of my camera. the second you touch it, you realize how shit it is.

The clues are all there. The fake deal that never runs out—check. The lack of provable or personal information on the site about the company—check. The just-barely-reasonable price—check. The rule of "absolutely no refunds" on their "free" products—check. The fact that they do give you a watch so you don't feel like you were totally scammed, although you were—check. And not enough popularity to get busted. So here I am, trying to bust them. Don't fall for their lies.

If you want a shitty watch, get a cheap one from a street vendor. At least they're honest about what they're selling. And if you still want a watch that looks kind of like this, for a little bit more, you can at least get a legit one. Reviews matter!

EDIT [5/11/17]: I'm seeing something that looks like a similar scam called "by.Alexandria" or "" Keep an eye out, everyone!


  1. Making the most of your mistakes by educating the public about these dirty, dirty lies.

    1. Couldn't figure out how to just write a comment, so I had to write a reply - sorry! I ordered one of their "free watches" and it's been a month and a half and I still have not received it! They gave me a fake tracking number & when I contacted DHL because it said my package was unable to be delivered - they said they had absolutely no record of the watch at all!! I've contacted their customer service multiple times and I have gotten ZERO response! They are a terrible company - Target sells cheap, nice watches for $10 - $20...I wish I had just gone there!

    2. Same thing happened to me. I ordered the product thinking I'd at least get a throw around watch, and it never came. I contacted customer service, and I received the same copy and paste email assuring me it was on it's way 3 times! Tracking numbers never worked. I should have listened to everyone that said this was a scam!

    3. Should have read this post much earlier, now I'm regretting.

    4. Sorry had to reply couldn’t figure it out. Ahhh I’m so annoyed I wish I would’ve read this earlier! I ordered from the website and since reading this article I’ve been trying to get a refund and they don’t want to give it to me �� we should all sue together lol

    5. Wow what a joke this website is. It's been two months since I placed an order.I highly recommend this site to NOBODY. They advertise items as free and you pay shipping. Because the shipping is non refundable

    6. I just fell for this scam too—I purchased three promotional “free” handbags for $29.99 in “shipping”. It was an uncharacteristic purchase for me and I immediately felt uneasy about it so I did a quick google search and found this and several other articles. I emailed them and requested my order be canceled (within an hour of purchasing) and received an auto response on it taking them a week to get back and a link to FAQ. I clicked on one FAQ about canceling my order and found I couldn’t. I called my bank and had them file a dispute claim on the transaction and was successful. All I did was explain what happened to the banker and it was no issue.

    7. How did you work with your bank. I've been "waiting" on my order that now I realize is never going to come and I want my money back

    8. Same! I ordered a bathing suit 3 months ago and have yet to get any reply and it still says it's being processed. I called customer service and they just say no agents are here. Then make you leave a message. This is the worst company i have ever dealt with.

    9. Yep. I ordered the Havana bikini and received a bikini 3 months later but in the wrong colour and size. What a fucking waste of time. Don't buy from Foldom & Co

  2. Thanks for letting me know! I was just about to buy a watch when I saw this.

    1. Glad to help someone out!!! I was so disappointed when I got the watch.

    2. Another thank you here! Loaded my cart up with 5 free watches and knew something was up when "shipping" was applied to each of them... My cart went from FREE to $45.95. Your article was the nail in the coffin for Folsom & Crap. Thanks!!

    3. Same! I felt like something was off and their cheesy stock photos and lack of any real person on the website made me feel skeptical. Did a quick google search and this post was just what I needed! Thanks!

    4. i was about to buy it too thanks

    5. still waiting for delivery after 2 weeks and i had to pay $18.95 for shipment

    6. I have already bought these watches as I thought of gifting them to my parents but idk whats gonna happen next this review just makes me feel sad that will I even get the watches or what

    7. Wooh! This saved me. I was about to order one but it was quite suspicious they'd give away quality watches so i did a little google search. Thank you!

    8. Wooh! This saved me. I was about to order one but it was quite suspicious they'd give away quality watches so i did a little google search. Thank you!

    9. Same here! Shit ,It was $9.95 for shipping to Indonesia.. they trapped me on "Instagram story ads"

    10. Same its going on 3 weeks now and I paid $9.95. shouldve went with my gut feeling.

    11. Feck... I'm waiting on 3....😒

    12. Should I be worried about giving them my CC info?

    13. From what I understand they just resell from AliExpress and never even touch the shit they're selling you.

      If you want a "legit" watch you can get a Citizen, Seiko or Orient off of Amazon for less than 100 bucks. Those are real, high quality watches. Can't go wrong with any of those and you'll be infinitely happier with your purchase.

  3. Was thinking about buying a couple then I saw your write up. Thanks for posting :)

  4. Same-- was just about to check out when I stopped and thought to do some internet research. Thanks for putting this out there! You really helped.

  5. I was also on the verge of buying this, when I thought to look it up online and saw your review. Really thanks. more people need to know these scams.

  6. Glad I googled. Almost decided I'd bite the shipping cost and get them. Saving me the pain of dealing with buyers remorse.

  7. I saw your blog too late ���� got suckered I guess but a think of this as a learning experience lol oh well

    1. Yup, got suckered into buying a watch from them as well, at least it was just one. Still waiting on delivery, though.

    2. me tooooo but I haven't gotten it yet, so I hope I'm not toooo disappointed... HA

    3. Did you ever get it? ...

    4. Do I need to be worried about them having my CC info?

  8. Good news! After falling for this scam today, I commented "THIS IS A SCAM DO NOT BUY" under all of their instagrams, and I DMed them telling them that I would continue to reveal the truth on their social media pages if they didn't fully refund my order. And guess what! They actually did give me a full refund (after they deleted my comments of course)

    1. I saw this yesterday right after I had fallen for it, too! Wish I'd looked for this 30 minutes earlier. I tried doing what you had done--all of my comments were deleted, but they said that they wouldn't issue a refund due to their "no refunds on shipping costs policy." Any suggestions for how to push for a refund?

    2. Im just trying to do the same thing because they dont answer me either!
      I hope I get my refund :(

    3. Im doing this too, hasnt worked yet

  9. Thank you so much for the honest feedback, Tia! I knew something was up when I saw the high shipping cost!

  10. I feel like a fucking idiot now

  11. wooooo was JUST about to confirm purchase. Thanks for looking out and for taking the time to let all of us know.

  12. I love your self-deprecating humor. Really made me laugh! Thanks for this review! Saved me some frustration.

  13. SAME HERE! Thanks a bunches, Quill & Slate! (:
    I appreciate the internet so much, haha

  14. I sadly fell for this too. I got the Jones watch, and sure it looks nice but as you say the quality is shit. The "crystal" isn't even glass, it's some kind of cheap plastic. So disappointed.

  15. thank goodness I saw your review before buying 2. they sure look nice on the site though of course. thanks for sharing!!

  16. This is a beautiful write up. Companies like this should not be allowed to exist.
    Plus, look at the shipping times on their website FAQ. (21-40 business days?! FROM CALIFORNIA?) You could walk there and pick it up faster than they could ship it.
    Except that's not the point. They are getting this junk from the bargain bin in China.

  17. thanks for your review. i almost clicked on "complete order" good thing the second thought cloud popped out. i almost paid $7. its still money though

  18. Good thing I googled the folsom scam before I checked out! I knew there was something fishy going on...thank you!!

  19. Thanks man! Was just about to complete order but looked it up instead.

  20. thank you! can i share ur article?

    1. Of course! Hope it helps more people avoid being scammed :(!

  21. I was just gonna buy it but I wanted to Google the reviews (I almost always do that as a wary online shopper) and so glad I came across your site. Thanks for posting.

  22. Wish I saw this before I bought two "free" watches. Received them yesterday and one of the "glass" watch faces was cracked. Now I have to figure out a way to get rid of them...

  23. damn i hella fell for this scam too. I just tried to check tracking on shipping and the website my tracking number doesn't even exist. Lessons learned...

  24. I bought two watches on an impulse. $9.00 for shipping per item seemed odd, but I thought "it's okay, the watches look cool." Then I completed my purchase and had a tiny bit of buyers remorse. Then I started seeing the same watches with different names on other ads. Should've done my research first. Oh well, lesson learned. Good to know you at least get a watch, albeit a crappy one. Mine are on its way. I'll deal with them when they get here.

    1. This is 100% my situation. We will see the crap in 21-30 days.

    2. Ah man, I looked for reviews but didn't see this until now. I ordered mine 3 weeks ago, it shipped 2 weeks ago, and I haven't gotten them yet. I figured they'd come from China but I emailed them anyways. It is funny that after I bought them, my instagram was flooded with ads for the same "Free" watch... I figured as long as I get a watch it wont be A TOTAL SCAM, but just a partial one. At lease by this time, I've forgotten about the $19 lol.

  25. Thanks so much for this, was literally on the checkout about to input my credit card details for the int. Shipping fee when i suddenly think twice and thought i'd better check online incase anyone actually got a watch, so you're life saver :)

  26. Thank you for your review! Its really helping people from being scammed :)

  27. I'm glad that I googled "Folsom and co scam?" and find this as the first option, before I made up my mind on getting one of those.

  28. bought five of these shitty watches, just googled this now!
    I really hope they don't up charging my credit card with other random fees.

    1. I just got one of my watches, and mine wasn't near as bad as her review made it sound. It feels like a cheap watch you'd buy at Forever 21; worth the $7, but if I paid full price I would have been pissed.

    2. Was your credit card charged with any random fees ?

  29. Thank you! I was about to "buy" it for free, but it is too weird to give-out nice watches every day hahah

  30. Thanks for the article. Saved my money!

  31. I don't understand why everyone is so mad - you can tell online and by the prices that they are CHEAP watches, what are you expecting??

  32. I reported the website to Shopify - I suggest you do as well!

  33. For those that fell for this - did you cancel your credit cards?

  34. Thank you! I almost got one, appreciate your help!

  35. SO glad I didn't buy it. Thank you!

  36. It's too late for me. Seemed like a good deal. But the shipping is probably worth as much or more than the watch. But a $13 hit is not horrible. Thanks for this. I wish I read this b before I purchased this. I'm sure it will save others from the same fate as me.

  37. Almost checked out, and glad I searched online quickly after seeing the high cost for the shipping. Many thanks for the write-up!!!!

  38. Thanks for this - I got the Jones, too. This watch is as light as it is cheap LOL. I've never worn anything like it, and because it only cost the shipping I don't care if it gets lost or broken - I kinda wanna see how quickly it'll get destroyed! The band was the worst part; it felt like woven aluminum foil LOL so I switched it for an old (genuine) leather Eddie Bauer one I had and it's actually a nice daily beater watch now.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Good looking out boo!! Just saved me from getting ripped off on 5 watches I was going to use as gifts. The shipping cost made me google "Quill & Slate, Folsom & Co" and poof! Here this was. Thanks a million for your helpful insight! I know it sucks that you had to go through what did in order to spare us the trouble of learning on our own, but just remember that you'll have an equal sized "good thing" coming your way to balance it out! Isn't that exciting?! :D

  41. Thank you! just about to buy one too and didn't due to this post

  42. thank you for information. You saved me from be cheated

  43. Just another someone who almost fell for it.
    Felt too good to be really true, did a search and saw this.
    I saw them via Instagram ads and have reported all their ads.

  44. I'm almost check out, but i think there is no free things in this world,and felt there something wrong with this offer and i started googling and thanks for your review, it saved me

  45. Thanks for the info, the watch company is a scam all the way

  46. I actually decided to purchase the free Jones watch and see how it comes out. If there's something bad, will definitely leave a comment here again.

    1. Received it? I was thinking to buy this one too

  47. Thanks for your review. It sure help.

  48. Thank you for your info, read before you buy

  49. Thank you for your info, read before you buy

  50. Thank you man, you are the real MVP!

  51. Add 1 to the people who you saved from spending 45 bucks and a lot of frustration!

  52. This came up as an ad on Snapchat. I was skeptical, so I decided I would google the company first... and your review is what I found!! Thank you!

  53. Thank you, I was about to enter my credit card info.

  54. Thanks for this!!

    If you read their reviews of the watches on the website, they make no sense. Looks like a bunch of nine year olds wrote them

  55. I knew something was up when I was looking at those watches! Too good to be true! I looked at all their social media sites, they really took the time to set up this whole company as being "legit"! If you look at the individual products, there are even reviews on there. There is even a site that is set up that provides scholarship. This is very scary. I am wondering if there are ways to report the company website, instagram and facebook that this company is complete fraud!

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Oh thank you for your Post! Today I saw an Ad on instragram and thought thats very cool... but when you get sth for free there must be a catch.... so I found your post! Thank you!!!

  58. Thanks man,I almost fall in this scam, you saved me like 20 bucks,you deserve a beer

  59. Damit I fell for it :( lol oh well lesson learnt. Has anyone had issue with card details or just the fact we all got sucked in & got a crappy watch out of it lol

    1. No issues on my credit card yet. I mean the site was donned with the McAfee symbol. I did get a watch, it's not as crappy as hers sounded to be. Worth $7 lol.

  60. Thank you very much for this post! You just save my life :) have a good day ahead!

  61. Thank you!! Now we have to look their posts at Instagram, because I saw their add on the Instastories and I almost got a bunch of those for "free". My parents are a little bit more skeptical than me referring with buying on the internet. But it seems a little bit suspicious that you could get as much as watches you want for FREE, so I search for reviews like this, and thanks to you I did avoid buying this fraud. Reviews DO MATTER.

    Anyway, thank you so so much, and I'm sorry you had a bad shopping experience here in the internet.

  62. Geez! I just entered my card in for that. Fudge! I thought it was a brand like DW. Could I still cancel it?

    1. Same. I think it was brand like DW . Hahahaha

      Anw,I don't think that u can cancel it.

  63. ordered mine 22nd July and still havent received. . havent had any problems with my bank details - got sucked in from their instagram promotion. damn.

  64. I was just about to complete my order but thank god I googled and found this. Thanks for the information! Feel sorry for you and people who already purchased. Lesson learned, read before buy

  65. Lots of thanks! I just wanted to buy the watch on the spur of the "free" slogan!

  66. thanks. Thank you very much. I about to ship that watch because it written "FREE" LOL. Oh mai gat .
    Thanks a lot.

  67. Whoa! Thank you sooo much.. I was about to order one, but the whole thing looks a little bit fake, so i did a research on google and I ended up here. thanks again!

  68. Thanks a lot for helping us not fall prey for a scam...

  69. Thank you for saving my money! I was about to fall in their trap. Very grateful

  70. Whoa,read before buy. Same here too!!. Thankyou

  71. Thank you so much for yr review! Thought of buying one as present for parents! Luckily did some google search as the high shipping fee is suspicious! Yr good deed is muchly appreciated!

  72. You're amazing! thanks for sharing! i was almost gonna buy this and I'm based in China haha :)) I could buy a shitty watch with half of that shipping price. The clue that got me googling before my deal "runs out" is the popups in the corner about people buying it. It comes in a specific frequency and is a bit too many :))

  73. I already buy it, so what should i do for this problem?

  74. I already buy it, so what should i do for this problem?

  75. You saved my daughter fro terrible disappointment. Thank you.

  76. Hey thanks! Something was telling me to google it. There is like 20 other sites like this one! So watch out people!

  77. Right now they are running an ad campaign on Instagram that caught my eye, so I checked it out (totally aware it wouldn't be what it seemed), then did some googling and your blog post was one of the first results. Thank god! I hope others do their research and find your post before paying the shipping for their 'fantastic free watch'...

  78. Thanks! I almost checked out. But i don't really think that they will give out a good watch for free that's why i googling for it. Your blog did save me and others.

  79. oh my god, I was so stupid for not searching for this before, too late for me... Hope I will at least get the watch, it was 8$ HAHAH...

  80. everyone on here is complaining about a $10 watch? You guys probably pay that much for a coffee. Most things you buy in the US are chinese made, and marked up significantly. Ivanka Trump uses sweatshops in China for her materials, and marks them up thousands of dollars....and you are complaining about $10? lol

  81. Thank you!! Just saved me time and money. Not that $10 is really that big of a deal but hey, that is $10 I can use for a dinner!

  82. thanksss!! u just saved my money too

  83. Thank you so much for writing this! Was just about to buy it and thought to do a google search before hand. Always look at the reviews from now on!

  84. You just saved my $20 of shipping for my free watches hahaha thanks so much for writing this!!!

  85. if you think "free" watches are a rip off, you should research "free" health care.

    1. praying u get less stupidOctober 7, 2017 at 11:28 AM

      LOL WHAT. Universal healthcare means your money is going to save the lives of people who are sick or disabled—buying a rip-off watch just gives your money to Chinese scammers who are trying to get rich cheaply. So you are equating the life of someone with cancer who can't afford chemotherapy with the trickery of a charlatan? Your lack of compassion for the sick and dying is ice cold!! Comparing the sick and dying to scammers! Wow! If you didn't have enough money to take care of yourself or your relatives, would you not accept the kindness and love of others? Would you not be touched by their willingness to give? Love thy neighbor.

  86. This article is a life saver, thanks a lot :D

  87. I read this article too late - f*******k - I "bought" 5 watches. Waiting for delivery.

  88. Too late for me, I am still waiting for my 2 watches which cost me $18.95 for shipping.We should share this around in whatever social media to prevent scam for others.

  89. Just ordered these watches..feel like such a fool

    1. me too, they charge my debit card right away, but they have not send me a conformation or traking number, i got a message saying that my zip was not the same as the one listed on my debit card, but they took the money out of my debit card right away, if the transaction did go through why would they take the money?! damn scamers

  90. I feel like an idiot. I shoul've known better. I bought two watches and never got none! At least you got a watch!

  91. Bought 2 watches in August on impulse and it has not even arrived now in November. Attempted contacting them several times and am terribly upset with their customer service. I felt like an idiot after coming to this website...... I could have better spent that money on treating myself to a good meal.

  92. Thank you for writing this article. I was just about to place an order but thank God I felt like I had to dig a little deeper before placing an order.You've just saved my time and money. Thanks!!

  93. I always google companies before purchasing anything online - so glad I saw your review when I did! Thank you.

  94. I got my two watches a month and a half later, but I have to say they are the shittiest amount of plastic and aluminum (if it’s real aluminum or a terrible imitation of it), such a big scam, i’m feeling so stupid right now. That moment when I realized that my order was traveling around from China to Rusia instead of Miami I knew everything

  95. Thank you for wrinting this post! I was thinking about getting one (because there are legit online shops that "sell" free products for you to test them) and you saved me

  96. Thank you so much!!! They almost caught me! I thought it was my lucky day for free watches, but ggl searched and you just saved my money!! xo

  97. I stupidly ordered this when my friend told me she just did. I never even received a watch! I live in Seattle and when the "tracking" came up it said it was delivered to GRANBURY, TX! No where near where I am. When I emailed them I got the same BS email response telling me that since the order was already in the process they weren't going to do anything but give me a discount! So I called my bank, had the charge removed and had them listed with them as a fraudulent company! Make sure that you contact your bank when there is ANY form of fraud.

  98. i jst got the wonderful watch jst in $11shiping fee. and iam realy very satisfied 😐

  99. This is a scam, I've been waiting two freaking months for these watches. Everyone watch out don't waste your money.

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  101. I ordered these watches and then I, unwisely, looked up reviews AFTER. Anyway, I couldn't cancel my order but after about a 3 weeks I did receive the two rosegold Jones watches that I ordered. So they are pretty cheap watches but at $10 a piece, you get what you pay for. They are nice looking watches even though they may not be top notch quality. So far they are working well and keeping the time.

  102. My dad recommended me this blog when I was about to buy come watches, I'm glad I decided to read this hahahaha

  103. They almost got me lol... so glad I googled! Love how the website says "might not receive before Christmas"... or at all!

  104. You have done a great job on this article. It’s very readable and highly intelligent. You have even managed to make it understandable and easy to read. You have some real writing talent. Thank you.
    Best watches 2018

  105. Obrigado por este post, eu quase que comprei esta bosta. Folson & Co Relógio Montgomery

  106. Damn this scam...
    I got their ads on Instagram and try to buy it. they advertise it to Indonesia also. but after finishing the payment then i checked the trackorder number..and the order not found :(
    whats should i do now?

  107. Thanks. I thought the whole thing was too good to be true. Searched and found your article. THANKS. I don't think, that I would have ordered, but would have been left wondering.

  108. Hi there! Nice post! Please tell us when I will see a follow up!
    20ft shipping container

  109. I fell for the scam, just bought a bikini, then looked at reviews. has anyone else ordered clothing from here? just wondering how suckish it will be :/

    1. I fell for it too. Purchased two bikinis and paid almost $19 for shipping. I don't know why I was so stupid to fall for it. Looked up the bikinis using Google reverse image search, and I saw the same photos posted on some seller accounts in Ali Express. I'm hoping they arrive and that the quality is decent enough to not fall apart.

  110. Hey! Thank god I googled for reviews before buying it. They are actually advertising on Instagram. I guess, soon they will be popular to get busted. Thanks for this anyway! I would never pay so much for shipping. They know that if a product is 'free' peopls tend to buy it even if they are just paying for shipping. Haha!

  111. Ok.. I already placed my order
    And I just hope that this is only a partial scam and the product will come. I ordered leggings, bags and a wallet. Did anybody recieve their products? Or is this a total scam..?

  112. Either they blocked me after I made a comment exposing their deception or their Instagram page was removed. Can someone else check?

    Also after some research (check out this article:, it seems that there are several similar websites that may be managed by the same group of people:

    Same design, same business strategy, same language. How do we expose them all?

  113. Does anyone have a phone number for this JOKE of a company???

  114. thanks a lot!! won't ever bother to click on these ads again, this saved me from wasting my money

  115. I just bought a “free swimsuit” from them. I should have looked at reviews before doing that! I only had to pay $9.95 but that’s not the point! If my swimsuit never comes, I’m going to be contacting them and asking for my money back!

    1. I ordered the same thing and also had to pay the same shipping fee. It kept saying it delivered and when I looked into it through my country's shipping servive (USPS) they told me it was in Illinois. Basically, they couldnt do anything and Folsom & Co hasnt responded to shit. Looks like a scam and I'm pissed the FUCK off. ive tried contacting them on literally everything. DONT BUY FROM THIS SHITTY ASS COMPANY

  116. I just bought a “free swimsuit” from them. I should have looked at reviews before doing that! I only had to pay $9.95 but that’s not the point! If my swimsuit never comes, I’m going to be contacting them and asking for my money back!

  117. I wish I read this article before. I placed my order for a top and it’s been 3 months and I still have no received ANYTHING. I emailed them, no response. I tried to track it multiple times and it leads to no where. This site is a complete SCAM

  118. I have not received my swim suit that I ordered 3 months ago

  119. I didn't get my order also :( I filed out the complain on BBB web site (Better Business Bureau), gave them an angry face on their posts on facebook (they are deleting/not showing comments) and left a bad comment on instagram...not much but it is all I could think of...
    This fraud lasts for almost a year and they are still operating their business successfully !?!?!?! HOW AND WHO SHOULD WE REPORT THEM TO???

  120. If you purchased your item through pay pal and have not physically received the item after a signifant amount of time (4wks+), you can open a dispute with PayPal. That's how I got my money back :)

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  122. Do you like watches? I have something for you! It is really cheap and it is very pretty. I think that this is something for you if you want a nice watch for little money. cheap watches for women

  123. Check out @folsomandcoscam on Instagram

  124. THEY’RE MOTHERFUCKERS!!! I ordered 2 bathing suits, after 4 weeks I got 1 in the wrong size and wrong color !!! I tried to contact them but there’s no way!! No phone number, they don’t reply to my emails, they don’t reply to my messages on instagram. Completely nothing. The bathing suits is in such bad quality. That’s some BULLSHIT! DO NOT ORDER ANYTHING FROM THEM. Don’t waist your money and time. They’re fucking playing with everyone and I don’t when someone plays with me OR my money. I’m pretty sure no one would like that. FUCK THEM

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